This weekend sees the transitional shift between the seasons as we move further into Spring and Daylight Saving Time occurs on Sunday. Whilst general consensus had us making our New Year resolutions in the peak of Winter, perhaps this change of season is a more fitting time. The days are getting longer, the nights are lighter, and the Spring air brings a plethora of positivity as we move through this brightening season. We may also find we have more energy at this time too. This year especially I feel Spring brings a glimmer of hope and the feeling that the end is a little closer to this year long Pandemic.

Reflecting on this shift in seasons and mood, I feel now is a good time to consider our intentions for the year, re-evaluate our goals, and general focuses as I like to call them. Read more on my current New Year focuses here. This week also marked the one year date since I taught my first live online Pilates class. Something that has become be saviour over this year, that’s not only helped my business but brought me routine and purpose.

As sun rise is getting earlier I find the morning light a welcoming awakening. I have been working hard on my morning routine over the past few months (in the height of Winter!) but the sunlight may inspire this further and hopefully it is now becoming more of a habit! I like to keep it simple as below:

Morning routine
  • Hydrate. As soon as I wake I have a large glass of water followed by orange juice;
  • Move. On my days off work I roll out my mat and get my Pilates & Yoga practise in before the house wakes.
  • Read. I try to read a few pages of my current book to keep me off my phone/social media and continue the calmness from my mat. See my recent post on current reads here. 
  • Breakfast. I get the others up for breakfast and we eat together, usually with the morning news/cartoons depending on the morning!
  • Plan. Whilst my toddler is playing I will check my emails and business apps, and plan out my day; marking what must be done today and prioritising my tasks, as well as moving things to the following day or two as required. I am still loving my Daily Planner.
  • Walk. I take the dog out for his morning walk and get some fresh air. Depending on the day this may be alone or with a friend for some company.

Consider your own morning routine and how it can set your day up for the mood you wish to reflect through it. Whatever brings you calmness, preparation, and a little joy!

General focuses

I’m not one for New Year resolutions, however I do believe in having some focuses to direct my attention correctly. I’ve recently reviewed these since I set them in January and feel much more focused on where I am heading for the rest of this year. Sometimes you can be over-ambitious with your intentions or set these for the wrong reasons, but after reflecting back after the first few months and really thinking about the WHY can help. A few things have been refined and edited to help the shift in mood and experience from the first quarter, but overall I feel content and happy with my direction for the rest of the year ahead!

What is your focus for the rest of the year, or even just the Spring/Summer period. More importantly, do you know your why and work towards fulfilling this?