by Tracy Ward | Oct 10, 2015 | Pilates
After a whirlwind of an amazing trip to Singapore I need to try and keep the relaxed, calm vibes that I felt whilst being away! It’s so easy to just “forget” your holidays as soon as you return home and slip right back to the normal routine of daily...
by Tracy Ward | Jul 3, 2015 | Pilates
Toned triceps and a good core- two areas we all could do with a bit more strength in, right? Yet we often avoid working on these in combination. Try this sequence to get working on both and build strength throughout your upper body and core. Shop the look: To The Beat...
by Tracy Ward | Apr 5, 2015 | Pilates
As promised after the February Retreat Day, and from my last blog post- here is a video to demonstrate just some of the exercises you can do with the pilates spikey ball props. Click on the image to play: For this workout you need 2 spikey balls. Their size...