Pilates for hip replacements

Pilates for hip replacements

Hip joint pain can cause severe pain and disability and greatly impact on a person’s quality of life. Hip replacement surgery is when the hip joint is replaced with a prosthetic implant. It is usually performed due to osteoarthritis, joint damage, childhood...
7 days of pilates

7 days of pilates

January is often all about getting back on track for working out, healthy living, healthy mindset, and so on, but ideally we would do this all year round! That being said I don’t think there is any harm in having good intentions at the start of the year. With...
Hip mobility & stretches

Hip mobility & stretches

The hips are often the most common area for us to hold tension in, giving us tight muscles and restricted joint mobility. Our more frequently sedentary lifestyles also encourage static postures and frequent sitting. Sitting postures place most of our body weight on...