One whole year of Mum life!

One whole year of Mum life!

One whole year of mum life! How on earth did that happen?! It really does feel like yesterday that I was patiently awaiting the arrival of my baby boy, and yet somehow it feels like I’ve known him forever too. No matter how much you think about it, how many...
Why you shouldn’t be planking!

Why you shouldn’t be planking!

Being able to hold a plank for X number of seconds or minutes used to be quite the competitive skill within gyms and fitness contests, but what would you say If I told you that we shouldn’t be planking?! That’s quite a bold statement to make and one made...
My top 5 Summer reads!

My top 5 Summer reads!

With the Summer season upon us I have been drawn to some great summer reads! For a short spell recently, mum life and work had taken place instead and I hadn’t been engrossed in a good book for a while, but I have found some great ones lately that I’ll...
Pilates or Yoga?

Pilates or Yoga?

As a pilates teacher who also loves yoga, I want to discuss why these two disciplines are very different! Quite often one discipline comes with a strong following or belief and it can seem controversial to support the other. However, there are also so many...