by Tracy Ward | Jun 12, 2020 | Blog Updates, Health & wellbeing, Pilates
Wherever you are in the world, whatever you have going on right now, I’m sure relaxation time could be helpful. As we start to move through this phase of easing this lockdown of 2020, I wanted to bring together resources from the website that may help in small...
by Tracy Ward | May 22, 2020 | Blog Updates, Fitness, Health & wellbeing
I’m currently writing a Running series for the blog on all things running related to improve your training and provide useful tips. You can read the previous posts on Warming Up here, and on Strength Training Prescription for Runners here. Today’s post is...
by Tracy Ward | May 15, 2020 | Blog Updates, Health & wellbeing
With everyone staying at home, working from home, and just generally having more time to “think” about things lately, I’ve put together my most recent list of items on my radar. These are unprecedented times and sometimes a little treat to perk you...
by Tracy Ward | May 8, 2020 | Blog Updates, Health & wellbeing, Lifestyle, Pilates
Working from home recently has been an enormous learning curve. Like everyone else worldwide, I am currently social distancing and staying home as much as possible. This week marks the 6th week I have been teaching pilates from my living room. Therefore all my regular...
by Tracy Ward | May 1, 2020 | Blog Updates, Fitness, Health & wellbeing, Lifestyle
This lockdown situation is a little crazy isn’t it! I think everyone has found their own way to adjust to the new “normal” and some have found this easier than others. For me, trying to maintain regular exercise has always been key to my mental...
by Tracy Ward | Apr 24, 2020 | Blog Updates, Fitness, Health & wellbeing, Lifestyle
How to make the best out of this current Covid-19 situation is a popular topic right now, simply because we have no other choice! The dumbbells are sold out literally everywhere online and the choice for online workouts is amazing! It is safe to say people are trying...